Banter Banner!

My banner arrived and I immediately hung it across my bedroom windows! I love that "Beauty in Little Things" is what I now wake up and fall asleep to. There are other great messages available at Banter Banner, like "Magic Surrounds" (which I also bought and will give to a certain someone next month when we celebrate a two year milestone).


  1. wow, how ironic that i just found your lovely blog today when my friend jennifer from i art u posted a giveaway for a banter banner here! small world!

  2. what a small world! thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. such a great banner (i'm obsessed with banners now!!)

    glad you're joining in on alphabet walk blog hop! Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

  4. Lisa, there might or might not be one coming your way...just saying. :)

  5. this is too cute. i gotta get one for myself. thanks for sharing.
